NORTH BROOKFIELD School officials said replacement of windows at the elementary school will get under way Friday, despite the concern of at least one parent about the removal of asbestos in the window caulking while school is in session.

School Superintendent John A. Provost said the $500,000 project involves removal of all windows in the building, which was built in 1972, and replacing them with energy-efficient windows with latex caulking.

Allison White, a parent of an elementary school student, said she has multiple issues with the project, from a notice received last week dated Jan. 26 to the reluctance of town officials to delay the work until summer break.

For them, this is all about money. I cant believe that town officials are willing to put money ahead of the safety of our children, even if there is minimal risk, said Mrs. White.

She said she had complained to Brian Wong, chief of investigations and enforcement at the Department of Labor Standards asbestos and lead program, and was told there are no regulations prohibiting people being in a building while asbestos abatement work is being done.

Mrs. White said she was told it was best not to be in a room, in this case a classroom, while work was in progress.

To that end, she said she sent a letter to Principal James F. Graham and her childs classroom teacher stating her child should not be in any room where window replacement work was taking place.

Lockheed has submitted a comprehensive, 18-point plan for asbestos mitigation, and Peter Shipman (director of buildings and grounds for the school district) is willing to meet with anyone and go over it, Mr. Provost said.

He said the plan had been reviewed and approved by the project manager, the architect, Woburn-based Covino Environmental Associates and the state School Building Authority.

Covino, Mr. Provost said, would be the environmental hygienist on site conducting continuous air quality sampling, as well as monitoring compliance with the mitigation plan while work was under way.

Originally posted here:
Window removal spurs safety concerns

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April 1, 2012 at 12:53 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement