As Autumn approaches, honey-do lists get reposted on the refrigerator door, and do-it-yourself folks get their second wind.

A plan, tools, parts and supplies are the basics for any of those jobs including projects specific to getting ready for winter.

This time of year, calls for replacement windows really pick up, said Steve Hirner, manager at the Home Store in Keokuk. The most popular are double-pane vinyl windows.

Hirner said many homeowners replace a few windows each fall, although some opt for more to hold back stiff cold wind and frigid temperatures.

You can definitely feel the difference when theyre in, Hirner said. Actually its the same for (protecting against) summer weather.

The double pane windows fit into the existing window jam so the interior trim doesnt have to be involved, according to Hirner.

Weather stripping and clear window plastic are still in vogue with people who dont want to change their old wood windows.

We sell a lot of the really clear window plastic, he added.

Replacement doors also are popular ways to cut down on wind and chill.

The doors we sell are mostly steel, but we also sell a lot of wood-grain fiberglass doors, Hirner said. The doors are actually insulated door units. The door interiors are insulated. I would discourage someone from buying wood doors. If they get a little damp, they warp.

Read the original post:
Window and door replacement popular for winter; laminate countertops help refresh old kitchens before holidays

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September 25, 2014 at 1:45 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement