WELLSBURG - Replacement of boat docks at the 12th Street boat ramp and of brick sidewalks on the Town Square and along three blocks along Charles Street were among issues discussed by Wellsburg Council Tuesday.

City Manager Mark Henne said he'd arranged for the docks to be removed because they had deteriorated during the icy winter, arranged for someone to transport them away and advertised for new ones.

But Henne's plans met some snags. First Ward Councilman Mike Mitchell suggested some hardware on the docks could be worth more than $1,000, so Henne arranged for the docks to be returned and council agreed to hold a public auction for the material.

City Attorney Bill Cipriani said concerns also arose when bids were sought for the new docks because Merco Marine, a local manufacturer of docks, provided the specifications for them while also submitting a bid.

Cipriani said he doesn't believe Merco's intention was to create specifications in its favor but it created the appearance of an unfair advantage, which violates a city ordinance designed to ensure competitive bidding.

He added the state Ethics Commission ruled against such practice in a similar situation.

Jon Meriwether, vice president and founder of Merco Marine, said he created the bid specs to aid city officials, who didn't seem sure about what they wanted, and to ensure the city would receive durable docks.

He said the docks he described wouldn't be difficult for another dock manufacturer to produce.

But council agreed to seek bids again, this time making a general request for bids for several 20 foot long sections of dock.

Second Ward Councilman Paul T. Billiard said because the docks likely won't be built until after summer, it would be wise to store them until after winter.

Read more here:
Wellsburg discusses docks, sidewalks

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July 10, 2014 at 1:48 am by Mr HomeBuilder
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