This tale begins in September with a sales call from a company dealing in siding and replacement windows.

My house is brick, so my need for siding is pretty limited nonexistent, actually but I did have some interest in windows to swap out for the ones installed in 1956, when the new-new house was built.

Yes, I know that's hardly new-new, but it's the youngest house I've ever lived in in fact, the only house that's been younger than I am.

In answer to the quick window sales pitch, I asked what I always ask (I get these calls about every three months): "Are they available in green?"

The trim on my house is dark green.

I went to a lot of trouble to make it that way, and I'm not going back.

If you want window sash in white or brown vinyl, believe me, you can get it from anyone. Green? Not so much.

The question, as usual, brought the saleswoman up short, but she said she'd check with her supervisor something I've also heard many times before.

The supervisor called the next day with the startling news that, yes, his company could get windows in dark green, but it would take a few weeks longer.

Like that mattered. I've been waiting years for someone to wake up to the fact that not all window sash is white.

Read this article:
Wearin' of the green

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February 23, 2014 at 4:42 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement