And so on.

WINDOW UPDATE: The decision on the waiver for the Junior League was deferred three weeks on a 6-4 vote so that a mediator could be used to see if opposing side can reach an agreement. FOR MORE ON THIS DEBATE: GO TO THE JUMP:

SCHOOL UPDATE: As expected the vote for Jacksonville to separate from the Pulaski County School District was a runaway, 3,767 to 218.

In the Little Rock School District,both incumbents on the ballot were defeated.


Incumbent Norma Jean Johnson 227 Joy C. Springer 483


Incumbent Jody Carreiro 221 Jim Ross 379

Victories by Ross and Springer alter the current majority dynamic of the board significantly and particularly complicate matters for Superintendent Dexter Suggs.

Re school votes: I note that 1,000 of those Jacksonville voters didn't cast a vote in favor of the property tax millage, compared with the vote on the Jacksonville school separation. It's meaningless. No increase was on the ballot and the millage continues, approved or not. But it's a measure of something when people want their schools separated but don't necessarily want to vote taxes to support them. Overall, however, the millage was approved, which is unusual in Pulaski County.

See the original post:
UPDATED OPEN LINE: School elections, deferral of great historic window debate at LR City Board

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September 17, 2014 at 10:52 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement