TILTONSVILLE - Selection of a new village council member, coyote sightings and a major waterline replacement project took the spotlight this week at the Tiltonsville Village Council meeting.

Dan Signorini applied for the vacant council post, and his appointment was approved. Signorini, who fills the post vacated by George Beard, will be present for the July 15 council session, which will begin at 7 p.m.

Police Chief Jerry Davis reported coyotes have been spotted behind the Buckeye Local School building. Coyotes also had been discussed at the May meeting when J.T. Leerby, a wildlife nuisance officer, had reported he'd caught a female coyote. Leerby thought she had a litter which didn't survive. Council at that time decided to wait until fall to handle the matter.

"I don't feel we should wait," said Davis after reporting the recent sightings.

Mayor Kris Prati noted there are two options - wait until fall or there is a resident who has offered to trap coyotes now. In May, Prati had said that she didn't want to back off on the problem.

Council agreed for the resident to trap the coyotes now, noting that school will begin in August.

Village Administrator Carl Sgalla presented a letter from Hammontree & Associates Ltd., giving an overview and opinion regarding a major waterline improvement project.

The project involves existing waterlines in Maiden Lane connect mains along Walker Street, Alley K, Mound Street, Alley L, Grandview Avenue and Market Street. It was noted that village officials have determined that the Maiden Lane lines and appurtenances are at or beyond service life and are ready for replacement.

The old lines consist of approximately 1,00 linear feet of 4-inch, 6-inch and 8-inch pipe. Possible cost figures were given. Council took no action at present on the project for which grant funds are expected.

In other matters, Sgalla reported the village received a Jefferson County recreation grant of $3,000 for a table and a grill for the park at the ballfield.

Read this article:
Signorini fills council vacancy in Tiltonsville

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