Replacement Windows 2 Replacement Windows 2

Selecting the right windows can be tricky. Some people know exactly what they want either a Harvey Classic Vinyl, or a Pella ArchitectSeries with Simulated Divided Lights. However, many of the people we meet are not exactly sure. We try to lead them towards the appropriatewindow that fits their style of home, budget and long range plans.70% of the windows we install are Harvey Classic Vinyl windows. They are the best value for the money, and our personal favorite. We have recommended them successfully for the past 14 years, andHarvey has been in the business for the past 47 years.

Here are some ofour recommendations:

Harvey Classic Vinyl Replacement Windows:For Vinyl Replacement windows, the Harvey Classic Vinyl is the best. Most of the other vinyl window companies out there thatcompete against Harvey have something in their sales pitch about them, or they try to mislead you with untruths regarding theirwarranty. I wouldnt put much stock in this. Harvey Classic Vinyl Windows are loved by General Contractors. There are over a million units of the Harvey Classic Vinyl window installed in New Jersey. Ask a local building inspector who has the best vinyl window. Most will agree, its Harvey. The Harvey Classic Vinyl window is also Energy Star Ratedwith Low E/Argon glass. It also comes available with Triple Pane and Double Low E Krypton glass. It has a lifetime warranty, from a company that stands behind both their contractors and homeowners.The one drawback is that they cant be painted but for some this is also a selling point. NoMore Maintenance. They now are available in 35 custom exteriorcolors.

For Wood windows, there are many choices. Pella and Marvin aremy favorites, but Harvey offers an alternative that is good qualityat a reasonable price. Both Pella and Marvin make great products,and both recently improved their existing lines of replacement window. There are countless others out there, but we have chosen 3 of the top performers based on quality, price and value.

Marvin Ultimate Inserts: This Marvin line ofreplacement windows is relatively new in the area. We like Marvinfor the following reasons: Marvin makes quality products in a varietyof sizes, hardware options andcolors. They have nice details in all their product lines and theirhardware is second to none. Marvin is a major manufacturer withexcellent name recognition. Like the Pella, Marvin windows are pricey, depending on size, options and various installation procedures They come with an aluminum clad exterior and wood interior. Theyare available with a snap in, or a simulated divided lite gridfull or half screen. They have many standard exterior clad colors, special colors, and upon request custom colors. They come in pine, primed pine, mahogany or Douglas fir interiors. Theirhardware and hidden tilt mechanism is very detailed and our personalfavorite.

Marvin replacement windows also feature a wood jamb, thus when the windows is in the closed position, there is a minimal amountexposed vinyl extrusions. A drawback to the Marvin window is thatit takes up more glass than the Pella window. You lose on averageabout an inch on each side, and an inch and a half on the top andbottom. We really recommend these windows when you have largerthan normal windows.

Pella Architect Series/Designer Series Precision Fits: Pella has recently come out with a newer model replacement calledthe Model 3. We like Pella windows because their lines mimic style windows of the Northeast. They have thinner side railsand frames, so they maximize the view while maintaining the look of your old window. Pellas grid system is also great looking. Their simulated divided lite grid mimics the size andstyle of the local Boston area windows. Their snap in grill has a hidden clip that results in sleeker lines. Pella has improved their old window in both appearance and functionality. The Model 3 is now available withan all wood jamb, full or half screen, and a hidden bottom tilt.This is a big improvement over their once famous center tilt mechanism. Pella windows also come in many exterior aluminum clad colors andoptions. Their interiors come in pine or primed pine. You can havethe interiors pre painted white, which they send it out to an independentvendor.

Harvey Majesty Wood Windows: Harvey is a localmanufacturer here inNew Jersey and New Englandthat is mostly known for theirexceptional quality vinyl replacement windows. Their Majesty line of windows offers the availability for a wood interior. The aluminum clad exteriors are available in white, almond, bronze and forestgreen colors. The interior is pine.This window is Energy Star Rated when sold with Low E/Kryptonglass. It is also available full or half screen.

The rest is here:
Replacement Windows | Window Replacement NJ

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December 16, 2013 at 1:51 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement