Published on May 23, 2014 $95,000 for window replacement, entrance security Other news

PUGWASH Pugwash District High School is receiving $95,000 from the provincial government to complete some repairs.

Education Minister Karen Casey announced a $9-million increase for upgrades, repairs and improvements to schools across the province.

The money in Pugwash will go toward replacing windows and finishing an entrance security project to enhance safety of students.

Pugwash was the lone Cumberland County school to receive funding, while the Chignecto-Central Regional School Board received about $2.56 million.

Fifty schools across the province are receiving money.

The total budget is $15 million.

"This year we have increased the funding for capital repairs to address smaller projects across Nova Scotia that will improve our schools for years to come," said Casey. "It is important students learn in a well-maintained, safe and healthy environment, and these projects will ensure just that."

Capital repairs projects include roof repairs, window replacements, gym improvements, paving, upgrades to a skilled trades classroom, and creating community resource spaces. All capital repairs projects must represent improvements being made to school infrastructure and must have a budget between $150,000 and $1 million in order to be eligible.

Read more here:
Pugwash high school gets funding for capital work

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May 23, 2014 at 6:47 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement