The notorious APT group continues to play the video game industry with yet another backdoor

In February 2020, we discovered a new, modular backdoor, which we named PipeMon. Persisting as a Print Processor, it was used by the Winnti Group against several video gaming companies that are based in South Korea and Taiwan and develop MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) games. Video games developed by these companies are available on popular gaming platforms and have thousands of simultaneous players.

In at least one case, the malware operators compromised a victims build system, which could have led to a supply-chain attack, allowing the attackers to trojanize game executables. In another case, the game servers were compromised, which could have allowed the attackers to, for example, manipulate in-game currencies for financial gain.

The Winnti Group, active since at least 2012, is responsible for high-profile supply-chain attacks against the software industry, leading to the distribution of trojanized software (such as CCleaner, ASUS LiveUpdate and multiple video games) that is then used to compromise more victims. Recently, ESET researchers also discovered a campaign of the Winnti Group targeting several Hong Kong universities with ShadowPad and Winnti malware.

About the Winnti Group naming:

We have chosen to keep the name Winnti Group since its the name first used to identify it, in 2013, by Kaspersky. Since Winnti is also a malware family, we always write Winnti Group when we refer to the malefactors behind the attacks. Since 2013, it has been demonstrated that Winnti is only one of the many malware families used by the Winnti Group.

Multiple indicators led us to attribute this campaign to the Winnti Group. Some of the C&C domains used by PipeMon were used by Winnti malware in previous campaigns mentioned in our white paper on the Winnti Group arsenal. Besides, Winnti malware was also found in 2019 at some of the companies that were later compromised with PipeMon.

In addition to Winnti malware, a custom AceHash (a credential harvester) binary found at other victims of the Winnti Group, and signed with a well-known stolen certificate used by the group (Wemade IO), was also used during this campaign.

The certificate used to sign the PipeMon installer, modules and additional tools is linked to a video game company that was compromised in a supply-chain attack in late 2018 by the Winnti Group and was likely stolen at that time.

Interestingly, PipeMon modules are installed in %SYSTEM32%spoolprtprocsx64; this path was also used in the past to drop the second stage of the trojanized CCleaner.

Additionally, compromising a software developers build environment to subsequently compromise legitimate application is a known modus operandi of the Winnti Group.

Companies targeted in this campaign are video game developers, producing MMO games and based in South Korea and Taiwan. In at least one case, the attackers were able to compromise the companys build orchestration server, allowing them to take control of the automated build systems. This could have allowed the attackers to include arbitrary code of their choice in the video game executables.

ESET contacted the affected companies and provided the necessary information to remediate the compromise.

Two different variants of PipeMon were found at the targeted companies. Only for the more recent variant were we able to identify the first stage which is responsible for installing and persisting PipeMon.

PipeMons first stage consists of a password-protected RARSFX executable embedded in the .rsrc section of its launcher. The launcher writes the RARSFX to setup0.exe in a directory named with a randomly generated, eight-character, ASCII string located in the directory returned by GetTempPath. Once written to disk, the RARSFX is executed with CreateProcess by providing the decryption password in an argument, as follows:

setup0.exe -p*|T/PMR{|T2^LWJ*

Note that the password is different with each sample.

The content of the RARSFX is then extracted into %TMP%RarSFX0 and consists of the following files:

Note that in the event of a folder name collision, the number at the end of the RarSFX0 string is incremented until a collision is avoided. Further, not all these files are necessarily present in the archive, depending on the installer.

Once extracted, setup.exe is executed without arguments. Its sole purpose is to load setup.dll using LoadLibraryA. Once loaded, setup.dll checks whether an argument in the format x:n (where n is an integer) was provided; the mode of operation will be different depending on the presence of n. Supported arguments and their corresponding behavior are shown in Table 1. setup.exe is executed without arguments by the RARSFX, and checks whether its running with elevated privileges. If not, it will attempt to obtain such privileges using token impersonation if the version of Windows is below Windows 7 build 7601; otherwise it will attempt different UAC bypass techniques, allowing installation of the payload loader into one of:

depending on the variant. Note that we werent able to retrieve samples related to Interactive.dll.

Table 1. setup.exe supported arguments and their corresponding behavior.

This loader is stored encrypted within setup.dll, which will decrypt it before writing it to the aforementioned location.

The location where the malicious DLL is dropped was not chosen randomly. This is the path where Windows Print Processors are located and setup.dll registers the malicious DLL loader as an alternative Print Processor by setting one of the following registry values:

HKLMSYSTEMControlSet001ControlPrintEnvironmentsWindows x64Print ProcessorsPrintFiiterPipelineSvcDriver = DEment.dll


HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPrintEnvironmentsWindows x64Print Processorslltdsvc1Driver = EntAppsvc.dll

depending on the variant. Note the typo in PrintFiiterPipelineSvc (which has no impact on the Print Processor installation since any name can be used).

After having registered the Print Processor, PipeMon restarts the print spooler service (spoolsv.exe). As a result, the malicious print process is loaded when the spooler service starts. Note that the Print Spooler service starts at each PC startup, which ensures persistence across system resets.

This technique is really similar to the Print Monitor persistence technique (being used by DePriMon, for example) and, to our knowledge, has not been documented previously.

Additionally, the encrypted payload, CrLnc.dat, extracted from the RARSFX is written to the registry at the following location, depending on the installer:

This encrypted registry payload is then loaded, decrypted and executed by the previously registered Print Processor library. The whole PipeMon staging and persistence is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. PipeMon staging and persistence

We named this new implant PipeMon because it uses multiple named pipes for inter-module communication and according to its PDB path, the name of the Visual Studio project used by its developer is Monitor.

As mentioned previously, two different PipeMon variants were found. Considering the first variant, we couldnt retrieve the installer; thus, we dont know for sure the persistence technique that was used. But considering that this first variant of PipeMon was also located in the Print Processor directory, its likely that the same persistence mechanism was used.

PipeMon is a modular backdoor where each module is a single DLL exporting a function called IntelLoader and is loaded using a reflective loading technique. Each module exhibits different functionalities that are shown in Table 2.

The loader, responsible for loading the main modules (ManagerMain and GuardClient) is Win32CmdDll.dll and is located in the Print Processors directory. The modules are stored encrypted on disk at the same location with inoffensive-looking names such as:

Note that .hwp is the extension used by Hangul Word Processor from Hangul Office, which is very popular in South Korea.

The modules are RC4 encrypted and the decryption key Com!123Qasdz is hardcoded into each module. Win32CmDll.dll decrypts and injects the ManagerMain and GuardClient modules. The ManagerMain module is responsible for decrypting and injecting the Communication module, while the GuardClient module will ensure that the Communication module is running and reload it if necessary. An overview of how PipeMon operates is shown in Figure 2.

Win32CmDll.dll first tries to inject the ManagerMain and GuardClient modules into a process with one of the following names: lsass.exe, wininit.exe or lsm.exe. If that fails, it tries to inject into one of the registered windows services processes, excluding processes named spoolsv.exe, ekrn.exe (ESET), avp.exe (Kaspersky) or dllhost.exe. As a last option, if everything else failed, it tries to use the processes taskhost.exe, taskhostw.exe or explorer.exe.

The process candidates for Communication module injection must be in the TCP connection table with either as the local address, or an ESTABLISHED connection and owning a LOCAL SERVICE token. These conditions are likely used to hide the Communication module into a process that is already communicating over the network so that the traffic from the Communication module would seem inconspicuous and possibly also whitelisted in the firewall. If no process meets the previous requirements, the ManagerMain module tries to inject the Communication module into explorer.exe. Processes belonging to the Windows Store Apps and processes named egui.exe (ESET) and avpui.exe (Kaspersky) are ignored from the selection.

Table 2. PipeMon module descriptions and their respective PDB paths

Additional modules can be loaded on-demand using dedicated commands (see below), but unfortunately, we werent able to discover any of them. The names of these modules are an educated guess based on the named pipes used to communicate with them:

Inter-module communication is performed via named pipes, using two named pipes per communication channel between each individual module, one for sending and one for receiving. Table 3 lists the communication channels and their corresponding named pipes.

Table 3. PipeMon communication channel and their respective named pipes

The %CNC_DEFINED% string is received from the C&C server and %B64_TIMESTAMP% variables are base64-encoded timestamps such as the ones shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Example timestamps used with named pipes

Figure 2. PipeMon IPC scheme (original PipeMon variant)

The Communication module is responsible for managing communications between the C&C server and the other modules via named pipes, similar to the PortReuse backdoor documented in our white paper on the Winnti arsenal.

Its C&C address is hardcoded in the ManagerMain module and encrypted using RC4 with the hardcoded key Com!123Qasdz. It is sent to the Communication module through a named pipe.

A separate communication channel is created for each installed module. The communication protocol used is TLS over TCP. The communication is handled with the HP-Socket library. All the messages are RC4 encrypted using the hardcoded key. If the size of the message to be transferred is greater than or equal to 4KB, it is first compressed using zlibs Deflate implementation.

struct CCMSG{ BYTE is_compressed; CMD cmd;};struct CMD{ QWORD cmd_type; DWORD cmd_size; DWORD cmd_arg; BYTE data[cmd_size - 16];};

struct CCMSG


BYTE is_compressed;

CMD cmd;


struct CMD


QWORD cmd_type;

DWORD cmd_size;

DWORD cmd_arg;

BYTE data[cmd_size - 16];


struct beacon_msg{ BYTE isCompressed = 0; CMD cmd_hdr; WCHAR win_version[128]; WCHAR adapters_addrs[128]; WCHAR adapters_addrs[64]; WCHAR local_addr[64]; WCHAR malware_version[64]; WCHAR computer_name[64];}

struct beacon_msg


BYTE isCompressed = 0;

CMD cmd_hdr;

WCHAR win_version[128];

WCHAR adapters_addrs[128];

WCHAR adapters_addrs[64];

WCHAR local_addr[64];

WCHAR malware_version[64];

WCHAR computer_name[64];


Figure 3. C&C message and beacon formats

To initiate communication with the C&C server, a beacon message is first sent that contains the following information:

The information about the victims machine is collected by the ManagerMain module and sent to the Communication module via the named pipe. The backdoor version is hardcoded in the Communication module in cleartext.

The format of the beacon message is shown in Figure 3 and the supported commands are shown in Table 5.

Table 5. List of commands

* The argument supplied for this command type is ignored

As mentioned earlier, the attackers also use an updated version of PipeMon for which we were able to retrieve the first stage described above. While exhibiting an architecture highly similar to the original variant, its code was likely rewritten from scratch.

The RC4 code used to decrypt the modules and strings was replaced by a simple XOR with 0x75E8EEAF as the key and all the hardcoded strings were removed. The named pipes used for inter-module communication are now named using random values instead of explicit names and conform to the format\.pipe%rand%, where %rand% is a pseudorandomly generated string of 31 characters containing only mixed case alphabetic characters.

Here, only the main loader (i.e. the malicious DLL installed as a Print Processor) is stored as a file on disk; the modules are stored in the registry by the installer (from the CrLnc.dat file) and are described in Table 6.

Table 6. Updated modules

Module injection is not performed using the reflective loading technique with an export function anymore; custom loader shellcode is used instead and is injected along with the module to be loaded.

The C&C message format was changed as well, and is shown in Figure 4.

struct CCMSG{ BYTE is_compressed; CMD cmd;};struct CMD{ QWORD cmd_type; DWORD cmd_size; DWORD cmd_arg; BYTE data[cmd_size - 16];};

struct CCMSG


BYTE is_compressed;

CMD cmd;


struct CMD


QWORD cmd_type;

DWORD cmd_size;

The rest is here:
No Game over for the Winnti Group - We Live Security

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May 24, 2020 at 4:29 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement