WOODSFIELD - Possible costs and operating capacities related to a proposed Monroe County Jail were eyed Monday by the county commissioners, who also entered into a contract for a major sidewalk replacement project around the courthouse.

Sheriff Charles R. Black Jr. was present for the discussion about the jail, and county officials talked with representatives of Wachtel & McAnally Architects Planners Inc., Newark, and Ross, Sinclaire and Associates of Columbus, the latter about proposals concerning correctional facilities financing scenarios.

The number of beds for the proposed jail also were discussed, and the numbers under discussion were 52, 88 and 112.

No action was taken about the proposed facility.

The possibility of constructing a new jail has been discussed at several recent meetings. Use of the present jail has been limited for several years. Costs of lodging prisoners in other jails and transportation costs to take them to the other jails have led to the current discussions.

In other matters, a contract was signed with Bud's Inc. of Nashport for the sidewalk replacement project at the courthouse. The project was designed by Swiss Valley Associates Inc. as engineer.

Bids from Bud's Inc. for the project totaled $138,900.

Work on the sidewalk replacement is to begin immediately, and the portion to be completed first is on the west side of the courthouse.

Commissioners also took action on two other projects involving changes on buildings.

Jeanette Harter, who heads the Monroe County Department of Job and Family Services, was at the meeting when commissioners accepted a bid from Allen's Construction LLC, Woodsfield, for replacing a door and adjusting another at the DJFS. The estimates totaled $2,839. The other bidder on the project was the Dennis Miller Construction Co., Sardis.

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Monroe County officials discuss jail issues

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