Wednesday, April 9, 2014 1:05 AM EDT


Ah, spring. A time when a young mans fancy turns to thoughts of power washing and window replacement?

Well, for some their fancy may turn to thoughts of love, but for most of us spring is a time when we shake out the dust and detritus of winter and start cleaning, repairing and generally sprucing up our homes, gardens and lawns.

For James Fucini, spring is go time where he works, Old Yankee Painting of Southington.

This is an extremely busy time of the year for us. When the weather breaks, thats when people want to start getting their projects done. Last week we had eight to nine telephone calls for estimates. Yesterday we had 16.

Fucini is a manager at Old Yankee Painting, which, along with Prestige Power Washing, comes under the umbrella of the firm Tonnetti Window Company.

All three companies, he said, are currently so busy with spring projects that they wont have a slow day again until probably November.

Its just endless projects that people are looking to do right now. People are looking to build decks and additions onto their houses, new roofs, paint exteriors and interiors, do their lawns. Its just everything you can think of.

After this particularly cold and snowy winter, roof and window replacements are especially high on many homeowners to do lists, he added.

The rest is here:
Its that time of year to think about home improvements

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April 9, 2014 at 12:42 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement