Two demons wait for unsuspecting homeowners, hoping for their chance to gobble up time and money on new home and remodeling projects: Ripple Effect and Project Creep.

The Ripple Effect lurks quietly in the background. Just like the movements on the pond surface for which its named, The Ripple Effect starts out small and grows, expanding until it engulfs the entire project.

Project Creep is a silent menace, staying out of sight until its too late to avoid and putting the whole job at risk.

Pebble In The Pond

The Ripple Effect is the remodeling budgets worst enemy and can wreak havoc on small and large projects alike.

A window replacement is a simple, isolated project, right? But the interior and exterior trim must be replaced and painted and the exterior siding may have to be reworked, especially if the new window isnt the same size as the old one.

And thats just the beginning. Once that window is replaced and the new window trim painted, the rest of the trim in the room looks bad by comparison and so you decide to paint that, too. A pebbles been dropped in the pond, and the ripples have begun to spread.

What started out as a simple window replacement ends up as the refinishing of an entire room.

In new home projects, the ripple effect is more pronounced in open plan designs. With fewer walls to separate spaces, its difficult to make flooring transitions from one room to another so more expensive floorings often cover more of the house. The lack of interior walls also requires a more expensive structural system and makes the placement of duct work and plumbing more difficult.

Dont Make Waves

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How to Avoid Ripple Effect and Project Creep When Remodeling Your Home

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June 4, 2012 at 5:16 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement