The Fort Dodge Community School District board Monday approved plans for its Fort Dodge Senior High roof replacement project.

"The project is going to be just over $300,000 at estimated cost at this point, until it goes to bid," Travis Filloon, FDCSD director of buildings and grounds, said.

Bids for the project are due to the district's central administration office by Feb. 24 at 10 a.m. A pre-bid meeting will be held Thursday at 10 a.m., according to consulting architect Terry Allers, of Allers Associates Architects of Fort Dodge.

Board President Stuart Cochrane asked Allers what sort of response the district can expect.

"As far as numbers of people, last time we had about three or four," Allers said. "Hopefully, we'll have that many again."

The project will address three of the senior high's 26 roof sections, Filloon said, specifically the roof sections over the building's math classrooms.

"This puts us close to having addressed all of those roof sections," he said. "I think we'll have four remaining at this point."

He added, "It ensures we've got a sound and trustworthy roof over the heads at the high school, to keep the interior educational process moving in a positive direction."

A rubber-roof system will be installed, Allers said, and the existing roof will be torn down to the deck.

"It's over a metal deck this time, so we won't have the problems with the gypsum deck we've had in the past. It should go well," he said. "We'll also put on new insulation down."

See more here:
FDCSD board approves roof replacement plans

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February 10, 2015 at 4:49 am by Mr HomeBuilder
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