Ashop owner is set to fork out 1,200 to replace his front window, after a distracted delivery driver walked through the glass.

The Game Pad on Norfolk Street, in Kings Lynn, have gone viral online after the owner released a video of a delivery driver who accidentally smashed their shop window.

The courier arrivedat the shopon Wednesday, May 5, buton his way out, as he looked down at a device in his hand, he failed to see the windowpane directly in front of him.

The Game Pad in Kings Lynn have gone viral online after the owner released a video of a delivery driver who walked through their shop window.- Credit: Jason Lee

Owner Jason Lee said he first felt sympathy for the driver, who explained he tripped and fell,but afterlooking at CCTV he realisedthat he had simply been distracted.

The 43-year-old said: As he walked out there was this almighty bang and crash and we thought he hit a cabinet but it transpired that he walked through theglass.

We gave him medical attention, closed the shop, called the medics and he was there for about 45 minutes as they checked him over. He got a cut to his leg andtheybandaged it up.

He originally told me that hetripped and had gone through the glass so I took it at face value but I looked through the CCTV and I could clearly see it wasn't the case at all.

He was walkingatareasonable pace,looking down at a device or tabletand not looking ahead.So,he went straight through the window.

The Game Pad in Kings Lynn have gone viral online after the owner released a video of a delivery driver who walked through their shop window.- Credit: Jason Lee

The shop window is now boarded up and Mr Leesaid it is now going to cost them 1,200 to have the glass replaced.

My initial reaction was sympathy, he said. Because it could happen to anybody but when I found out it was complete neglect on the driver's part Ididnt have as much sympathy for him.

He is lucky he got away with only a leg injury.

The one thing I would like youto say a lot of people have commented about the standard of the glass butI am only a tenant. The landlorddidn't make me aware of anything to do with the glass.

But the replacement glass will be up tobuildingstandardsand laminated.

Read the rest here:
Delivery driver walks through King's Lynn shop window - Eastern Daily Press

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May 9, 2021 at 1:46 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement