June 6th, 2017 by DWM Magazine

A bill that would require window manufacturers to include replacement and labor costs in product warranties has passed the Connecticut State Senate and is making its way through the states House of Representatives, and its facing opposition from the Window and Door Manufacturers Association (WDMA).

The legislation would also require manufacturers to settle claims and make payments within 30 days of receipt of a warranty claim. According to WDMA, the vague language of the bill could open the door for warranty coverage ofimproper installation or use of aproduct.

The bill would also apply to roofing and siding.

WDMA says the new lawisnt needed because consumers are already covered by product warranties that protect them from legitimate product defects or failures, and many of those warranties will cover replacement costs. In addition, manufacturers provide specific instructions for the installation of products, along with maintenance and other important documents.

The association says that making all warranties cover all labor costs for product defects is unreasonable because products can fail for many reasons, such as improper installation, misuse or modification after its installed, or improper maintenance.

As in other industries, a window manufacturer should not be held responsible for every single instance of a products failure, WDMA says, and forcing manufacturers to pay for all labor costs to replace a window thats been improperly installed or maintained is unfair and unreasonable.

WDMA is urging window companies that could be affected by this bill to reach out to their representatives via this form.

See the rest here:
Connecticut Window Warranty Bill Concerns Industry - DWM Magazine

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June 6, 2017 at 10:56 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement