Public Notice (Official Publication) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS MMCD Window and Door Replacement At MMCD Plymouth 14105 Highway 55 Plymouth, MN The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District will be receiving a lump sum, single prime sealed bids for the MMCD Window and Door Replacement Project, until 2:00pm, Tuesday, July 15, 2014. Bids will be received at the St Paul Headquarters, 2099 University Ave W, St Paul, MN 55104-3431, at which time they will be opened and read aloud. The work for this project includes the general construction as indicated in the Contract Documents. Project involves the replacement of exterior and interior windows, storefront system and doors at the MMCD Plymouth location. All bids must be sealed and marked for the appropriate contract for which the bid is submitted. Bids shall be submitted in accordance with the Bidding Documents prepared by CNH Architects, Inc, 7300 W 147th St, Suite 504, Apple Valley, MN 55124 and dated June 17, 2014. Bids received after this time will not be accepted. No oral or fax bids will be accepted. Documents will be available on or about June 24, 2014, for public inspection at the Owners office, and Architects office. Bidding documents including addenda can be downloaded at no cost from the Project Plan Room Website setup by CNH Architect. Contact CNH Architects at (952) 431-4433 or to receive access to this website. Plan Holders are parties that have requested access to the Project Plan Room Website. Plan Holders may be notified via email as addenda are issued but are responsible to check the website for all addenda prior to submitting a bid. Parties that download the bidding documents and need to have them printed elsewhere are solely responsible for those printing costs. Paper copies of the bidding documents will not be distributed by the Owner, Architects, or its agents. Parties downloading bidding documents from other sources (such as builder exchanges) may contact CNH Architects to be added to the Plan Holders List but will need to obtain addenda from their original source unless the party specifically request access to the Project Plan Room Website. The bids shall include corporate surety bond, cashiers check, or certified check in an amount equal to five (5%) percent of the base bid and payable to the Owner as a guaranty of the prompt execution of the contract. The materials, products and equipment described in the Bidding Documents are to be met by bidders. Written requests for approval of substitutions maybe submitted by bidders for consideration by the Architect. Requests must be received by the Architect at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the bid date and shall include sufficient data to describe the substitution and any impact it would have on other work. If the Architect approves a proposed substitution, the approval will be indicated in an addendum. No substitutions will be considered after the Contract award unless specifically provided in the Contract Documents. Contractor shall provide a Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond for 100% of the Contract Amount. This is a prevailing wage project. Project shall be completed before October 30, 2014. Bids may not be withdrawn within forty-five (45) days after the opening without the consent of the Owner. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive irregularities and informalities therein, and further reserves the right to award the contract in the best interest of the Owner. In accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 1230.1810, subpart B and Minnesota rules, part 1230.1830, certified Targeted Group Businesses submitting proposals as prime contractors shall receive the equivalent of a two percent preference in the evaluation of their proposal. Non-certified prime contractors submitting bids using certified Targeted Group Businesses as sub-contractors shall receive the equivalent of a one percent preference in the evaluation of their proposal, if the value of the these sub-contracts are greater than ten percent of the overall bid amount. If the values of these sub-contracts are greater than twenty percent, the general contractor shall receive the equivalent of a two percent preference. For information regarding certification, contact the Materials Management Helpline at 651-296-2600, or you may reach the Helpline by e-mail at For TTY/TDD communications, contact the Helpline through the Minnesota Relay Services at 1-800-627-3529. Employment: Contractor and Subcontractors shall comply with all applicable provisions of federal, state, and local laws which prohibit discrimination in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age and physical or mental handicap and all rules and regulations, promulgated and adopted pursuant thereto. Human Rights: If the bidder employs, or has employed more than 20 full-time within the last calendar year, the bidder must submit a copy of their certificate of compliance, issued by the MN Department of Human Rights, with their bid. Certificate of Compliance is issued to businesses that have a Affirmative Action Plan approved by the Commissioner of the MN Department of Human Rights for the employment of minorities, women, and disabled individuals. If a person does not employ more than 20 full-time employees they must submit a signed notarized statement attesting to that fact. Metropolitan Mosquito Control District St Paul Headquarters 2099 University Ave W St Paul, MN 55104-3431

7/3/14, 3NYA, Bids Window & Door Replacement, 242973

See the article here:

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July 3, 2014 at 11:48 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Window Replacement