The plan The Village of Lemont will spend $1.75 million to renovate village hall this summer.

The Lemont Village Board gave the green light to fund the renovation, which will include repairs, rehabbing and technology improvements, with a general obligation bond.

Village Administrator Ben Wehmeier said the project will include said tuck pointing, installing a new roof, plumbing improvements, window replacement and replacement of the parking lot.

Trustee Rick Sniegowski insisted during a meeting in November 2011 that the work needed at village hall is not a redecorating project.

Its not about the fluff, its about the need, Sniegowski said.

Lemont Mayor Brian Reaves reiterated that the work is a must.

(The needed repairs are) prohibiting work inside the village hall, Reaves said. Its just time.

The impact

Renovations will begin in June and Wehmeier said he expects village staff to be moved back into village hall between Thanksgiving and Christmas at the latest.

In order to keep business as usual, the Village of Lemont may be moving into Central School, 410 McCarthy Road, for the construction period. Wehmeier said an intergovernmental agreement has not yet been approved.

Here is the original post:
$1.75 million: That’s the amount the Village of Lemont will spend on village hall renovations this year

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March 30, 2012 at 4:57 am by Mr HomeBuilder
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