The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources today published a tender for the replacement of electrical hot water heaters with solar heaters in an energy conservation effort. The vendors winning the tender will replace 14,500 old electrical hot water heaters at homes across the country at an estimated cost of NIS 13 million.

The Ministry of Energy will subsidize 35% the cost of the solar powered hot water heaters up to NIS 900 (including VAT). Consumers will pay the difference in the price of the solar hot water heaters offered by the tender's winners and the ministry's subsidy.

The tender's winners will provide an eight-year warranty for the solar hot water heaters they install, and will dismantle and dispose of the old electrical heaters.

"This program is intended for homeowners with electrical hot water heaters who have no legal or planning impediment against the installation of a solar hot water heater in their apartment. The apartment must be within four floors from the roof," says the Ministry of Energy.

The Ministry of Energy estimates replacement of the electrical hot water heaters will save 26 million kilowatt/hours a year, and save an estimated NIS 260 million kilowatt/hours over the solar hot water heaters' 8-10 year lifespan. It also estimates that this will reduce households' electricity bills by NIS 1,000 a year.

The program to replace electrical hot water heaters is the Ministry of Energy's latest plan to conserve electricity, following plans for the replacement of old energy inefficient air conditioners, refrigerators, and light bulbs.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on October 17, 2012

Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2012


Gov't to subsidize replacing electrical water heaters

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