Interim policy compensates displaced home-owners with $20,000, provides relocation assistance

More protections are on the way for residents of manufactured home parks in Mission.

At the May 21 meeting, council unanimously adopted the Manufactured Home Park Redevelopment Tenant Assistance Policy on an interim basis, with the intention of replacing it with a bylaw in the future.

The new policy includes protections that would require compensation to tenants who own their housing unit. The payout would be based on appraised values, assessed values or $20,000, per the report.

The policy also requires rezoning applicants to include a relocation assistance plan and a commitment to hire a qualified professional to assist tenants impacted.

Additionally, the developer will need to provide proof of early and ongoing tenant notification, including a consultation meeting early in the process for tenants to voice comments.

The policy has been modelled after a Maple Ridge policy in use since 2023. Policies from other municipalities have been reviewed and could inform future amendments to the policy or bylaws.

The provincial Residential Tenancy Act and Manufactured Park Home Tenancy Act already provide some protection measures.

Meanwhile, a new provincial bill (Bill 16) provides municipalities with the authority to develop Tenant Protection Bylaws.

These bylaws can require developers to provide added support for tenants facing displacement in cases of redevelopment, including financial assistance, assistance with finding a new place to live and opportunities for right of first refusal on units in a new building, the staff report reads.

City staff will soon review the advantages of developing a bylaw under Bill 16.

The initial compensation payout in Missions policy was $10,000, but council resolved to double it. Coun. Jag Gill said it doesnt buy much.

Thats just the reality of it. For a lot of folks, they put all their money into these manufactured homes. So Im hoping that theres something that gives them a little bit more protection and if its those bills that staff talked about in the report, I look forward to seeing those as well, Gill said.

Council decided to act on the issue at the April 15 meeting after residents of the Grove Mobile Home Park on Lougheed Highway received a letter from new owners informing them of plans to redevelop the park into a multi-family residential and commercial project.

At the meeting, council asked whether a moratorium on development of manufactured home parks would be possible.

However, according to the report on May 21, staff determined a moratorium on processing development applications for redevelopment of manufactured home parks is not possible under the current legislative framework.

Mission Mayor Paul Horn says protecting tenants is an evolving process. He said the city is sending a message to potential developers of manufactured home parks that council will be watching and that developments must consider the needs of current residents.

READ MORE: Residents fear homelessness if Mission mobile home park closes

Continued here:
Mission council approves temporary protections for manufactured home tenants - Mission City Record

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May 27, 2024 at 2:38 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Manufactured Homes