We are experts in Tree Removal and Safety

Arborwest Tree removal professionals remove many trees and stumps throughout the year, but they have to take various precautions and measures to protect themselves from fallen limbs and possible injuries. Even then, many still get hurt after taking steps to protect themselves. Tree removal is just a very dangerous job. Thats why homeowners should always hire a professional instead of doing it themselves.

Below is more information associated with tree removal safety, including injury statistics, information on the dangers of tree removal, safety equipment involved in the process, and tree removal experts safe processes. If you have any other questions about tree removal safety, you can always call or ask a tree service professional in your area.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 200 tree-related fatal injuries on average every year in the United States. In 2012, there were 60 injury-related deaths for tree maintenance, with another 120 fatal injuries in forestry and logging services.1 In 2011, the BLS reported 83 tree maintenance injury-related deaths and 125 forestry and logging fatalities from injuries in the field.2 In 2010, 120 forestry and logging service injury-related deaths were reported, with an additional 60 tree maintenance deaths.3 Injury causes included contact with objects and equipment like chainsaws or axes, falling from trees, and transportation incidents.4

Note these numbers only include injuries that resulted in death, as compiled from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). There are thousands of other injuries from tree care and removal in the United States every year that should be treated with serious consideration.5 Many dangers come with the job, and all the precautions in place sometimes dont protect from injury.

One of the first major dangers associated with tree removal are the tools. Chainsaws, wood chippers, and other power or hand tools required for tree removal can be dangerous. With even the smallest distraction, a chainsaw or ax can inflict serious damage to hands, legs or arms in just a second. This will then lead to financial damage in terms of hospital costs and recovery. Tree service professional use the tools every single day on the job with proper clothing and still get hurt.6 If someone has no previous experience using the tools, they run the risk of serious harm.

Another major danger with tree removal is the tree itself. There are a wide variety of dangers associated with trees when attempting to remove them. First, theres the fact that without the proper equipment, people run the risk of falling from the tree and hurting themselves.7 Even with the proper equipment, weak limbs can act as bad support systems leading to falls. Second is the possible proximity to electrical lines. If someone is working on a tree close to power or telephone lines and falls back towards one or hits it with their equipment, they could get electrocuted.8

Then there are the possible hazards in or on the tree itself. Some trees could be home to poisonous insects and plants that, without the proper clothing, could lead to a hospital visit. Thats why tree removal professionals wear heavy-duty work gloves and other protective gear when scaling trees. Trees can also sometimes have poisonous chemicals leaking onto them from power lines, which is why professionals carefully inspect trees before taking them down. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) outlines various regulations when dealing with hazards like these.9

One other major hazard inside the tree is rotting wood or deadwood. If the tree is in the process of dying, this mean its unstable and unpredictable when coming down. Dead or dying trees often have hollowed-out trunks and unstable limbs that make it hard to use regular power tools without increasing the risk. Often the best, although most expensive, way to get a dead tree removed involves a crane.10 So if you start seeing signs of rot in your tree, dont wait until its already dead to have it removed.

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April 18, 2015 at 11:13 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tree Removal