Stump of fallen Raglan Phoenix Palm tree to be removed next week

One of Raglans iconic Phoenix Palm trees was damaged in a storm earlier in the year and will not be replaced due to the root system of the adjacent Pohutakawa tree dominating the land.

The Phoenix Palm, located near the harbour end of Bow Street lost its entire top in the storm, leaving just the trunk. If weather conditions allow the stump will be removed next week (beginning 8 September).

As the Phoenix Palms are notable trees listed and protected in Council's District Plan, a resource consent was applied for and issued for its removal.

Waikato District Councils General Manager Service Delivery, Tim Harty says unfortunately the root system of the Pohutukawa tree next to where the stump is going to be removed occupies the space where a new tree could be planted.

Anything planted near the Pohutakawa tree will struggle to grow and this was a factor taken into consideration during the consent process for the trees removal.

There are also a few other Phoenix Palm trees along Bow Street that Council is watching closely. However, any intention to remove further trees will require an arborist assessment and community consultation.

Council has planned for the loss of Phoenix Palms in Bow Street planting eight palms in Raglans Oram Park some time ago. Mr Harty says these are now of a reasonable size to use as future replacements.


Scoop Media

See the original post here:
Stump of fallen Raglan Phoenix Palm tree to be removed next

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