SAFETY HARBOR| With a new moratorium on tree removal in place, the city is now focused on fine-tuning an ordinance that strengthens existing tree protection rules.

All city commissioners but Richard Blake this month voted to ban tree cuts through April 1 unless the updated ordinance is passed sooner. The proposed law would expand Safety Harbors authority beyond grand trees of a certain size to all trees within city limits.

Commissioners will discuss ordinance language during a City Hall workshop 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, with their regular meeting following.

Items on the regular meeting agenda include a proposed budget amendment that would restore $27,000 gleaned through a deferred hire, reduced health insurance costs and other savings to the Chamber of Commerce, Neighborly Care Network and Mattie Williams Neighborhood Family Center.

Controversy over reducing the funding during summer budget talks generated outcry from multiple residents and prompted two commissioners to vote against the 2015 budget.

Last month, local businessman Jim Barge presented a $1,000 check to the Mattie Williams center during a city meeting and publicly challenged residents to participate in a crowd-funding campaign in which he would match dollar-for-dollar all money raised up to $2,000. As of Tuesday, three weeks into the campaign, 28 contributors had donated $4,115. Barge, who researched the center's work after hearing residents' pleas during budget season and subsequently vowed to help raise awareness, said he plans to keep the challenge going through its Thanksgiving deadline.

See the rest here:
Safety Harbor to consider tree rules, outside agency funding

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November 12, 2014 at 11:25 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tree Removal