A Tullytown resident will have to wait two more weeks to find out how much the borough is willing to pay for tree removal.

He hopes the council with authorize sharing the cost of removing two trees that he claims straddle the border of his back yard and Tullytown property.

The borough contends, however, that only one tree actually encroaches the property.

Acting borough Manager Dan Doyle told the council at its regular meeting Tuesday night that he hired a tree service company to inspect the area and provide an estimate. The borough hung tough, however, on engineer Bill Majors one-tree assessment on Bill Merzs property.

According to state law, if a tree trunk straddles two properties, both owners must share the cost of removal. The exchange became heated when Merz insisted that Majors did not measure the property line correctly.

Only one tree straddles the property line, the one closest to the corner of (Merzs) property, Majors said. None of the other trees or trunks are over the property line.

Council President Rick Adams instructed Doyle to get the figures and bring them to the next meeting for further discussion. That meeting has been rescheduled to 7 p.m. Sept. 10.

In other business, the council approved its annual property improvement allocation in the amount of $6,000. The money will come from tipping fees it gets from Waste Management Inc. The amount of the improvement allocation was doubled from $3,200 last year. The property allocation fund was started as a means for the residents to share in the financial windfall resulting from the towns hosting part of WMIs landfill.

Elizabeth Fisher is a freelance writer. She can be reached through editor Carl LaVO: 215-949-4227 or clavo@phillyburbs.com

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Resident wants Tullytown to pay for tree removal

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