HOLIDAY HILLS Issues surrounding land between a private subdivision and the village of Holiday Hills continued Wednesday after a fence separating the two was torn down days before.

At about 7:50 a.m., resident of LeVilla Vaupell Lisa Garcia saw Nunda Township Highway Department workers getting ready to take out a tree. The tree stands in front of 1313 W. Northeast Shore Drive, where two McHenry County sheriffs deputies were shot last month.

She stood in front of the tree in opposition until about noon making sure the workers could not cut it down.

Ill stand here until [the township highway commissioner] gives me a court order that says this is his property, Garcia said.

She later said efforts to cut down the tree eventually halted and a meeting between the subdivision, Holiday Hills, the Nunda Township Highway Department, and police and fire officials has been tentatively planned to resolve the issue.

The concern over the tree, and the fence that once stood next to it, stems from an Oct. 16 incident, after which Scott B. Peters was accused of shooting two deputies as they were conducting a well-being check at his Holiday Hills home. Peters now faces a prison term of 165 years to life on attempted murder charges, if convicted.

The long black fence, torn down by the township highway department Monday, ran the length of Hyde Park Avenue in LeVilla Vaupell, separating the private subdivision from the Holiday Hills version of Hyde Park Avenue. Police have said the fence interfered with their rescue of the wounded deputies and the search for Peters.

Garcia said township highway commissioner Mike Lesperance indicated to her the plan was to take the tree down and connect the two West Northeast Shore Drives, now separated by a grass median.

Lesperance declined to comment.

Garcia and other residents said the problem with all of the changes the fence teardown, the tree removal and the road connection is the subdivision owns the small piece of land the fence was on.

Issues about private subdivision near Holiday Hills continue

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November 6, 2014 at 4:30 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tree Removal