(12/30/13) - The pre-Christmas ice storm that wreaked havoc on Mid-Michigan, boosted business for some area tree removal companies.

"It was kind of a blessing," said John Judson, owner of Budget Tree & Landscape in Fenton.

He can see the positivebecause it meant work for hiscrews. Judson called it an early Christmas present - one that's still giving more than one week later.

Judson and three of his workers wereback on Jeffers Lane, in Tyrone Township,at Steve Emmel's home Monday afternoon - back for the third day.

"The trees fell across our driveway and we couldn't get out," Emmel said. "The trees were, in the back especially, were hanging over the wires."

Judson is takingone tree down andcleaning upsome others. At least one treehad some top damage and a few had big branches split.

"That can be a widow maker," Judson said.

If you can't burn the wood or find someone who will, you may have to take it somewhere for disposal.

In Flint,for example, you can't putit curbside. Yard waste removal ended at the end of November.

More here:
Ice storm boosts business for tree removal companies

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December 31, 2013 at 11:15 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tree Removal