All issues relating to Eucalyptus trees were at the forefront of the Coronado City Council meeting of Tuesday, October 7, 2014. The genesis of the discussion dates to May 1, 2014 when a tree limb estimated to weigh approximately 1,500 pounds fell from a Eucalyptus tree located in the vicinity of 120 E Avenue. The tree in question is located in the citys public right of way.

Alerted to this issue by a letter from a resident in the immediate area, the city of Coronado commissioned a study to determine the relative health of the 31 Eucalyptus trees on city property, including 18 trees in the 100 Block of E Avenue. Subsequently four of the 18 mature Sugar Gum Eucalyptus trees, standing nearly 60 feet tall, were found to have moderate risk levels due to a variety of structural defects. September 22, two of the four trees were removed by the citys tree maintenance contractor. A public protest by 17-year Coronado resident and former Navy SEAL Danl Steward forestalled, temporarily at least, the removal of the other two trees.

From the citys perspective, as delineated by Director of Public Services Cliff Maurer, the overriding issue was one of public safety. Maurer noted that municipalities have found that Eucalyptus werent appropriate as street trees and added, When they get that large, Eucalyptus trees are self-pruners.

From the point of view of the residents, the citys deliberations regarding the fate of the trees were held in closed session, with no public input as to their removal or eventual replacement. Visually the trees in question are majestic, so residents certainly have a point regarding the esthetics provided by the 18 trees lining both sides of the 100 Block of E Avenue.

The agenda item before the city council October 7 dealt with a five-point plan going forward to both replace the trees and involve community members in a management plan to be formulated for the trees. Specifically the staffs plan was amended to include:

Replacement tree options for the 100 Block of E will include both Lemon Scented Eucalyptus and Sugar Gum Eucalyptus trees.

The city will amend its Approved Street Tree List to include both types of Eucalyptus trees as Restricted Trees.

The city will amend its Tree Master Plan to include the 100 Block of E as a themed street.

The citys Street Tree Committee will nominate one of the Sugar Gum Eucalyptus trees in the 100 Block of E for Heritage Tree status.

The council directed staff, with input from the community, to create a long-term management plan for the Eucalyptus trees along the 100 Block of E Avenue.

More here:
Eucalyptus Tree Replacement, Community Playhouse Permit Extension Highlight Coronado City Council

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October 17, 2014 at 6:28 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tree Removal