Travellers have been removed from an illegal camp in Tile Hill after a dossier of evidence against them was produced by Coventry City Council.

A total of nine caravans and six other vehicles finally left the land in Jardine Crescent on Monday evening after West Midlands Police exercised an order under section 61 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

The order gave the travellers just two hours to leave the site and prohibits them from returning to the same spot within three months.

Ward councillor Steven Thomas said: To get the travellers to move on the police were required to identify that there was significant threat of crime and disorder.

I spent a lot of time speaking to people and gathering intelligence and there were some people who would only speak to us anonymously. And I must say that I am grateful to them for trusting me with the information they gave us.

Coun Phil Townshend, the council's deputy leader, added: Im really pleased that our local Police were able to take swift action to move a group of travellers who had settled in Tile Hill.

"The group in question had already set up encampments at three other council sites in the city and each time we were required to re-start civil proceedings to move them. This is a time consuming and expensive process and each time travellers move to a new site the process has to begin again. The Police have emergency powers to insist that travellers move with almost immediate effect in situations where the presence of Travellers is leading to significant detrimental community impact.

''This is exactly what happened yesterday. I am sure that local residents will be pleased and relieved that this action was taken as I know there were a number of reports about anti-social behaviour, environmental and criminal activity.

We are now working to pursue injunctive action to prevent vulnerable sites from further encampments.

''But our success in managing a difficult situation relies on all agencies and local people working together and thats exactly what happened here the Police and council teams worked together for the right result.

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Travellers evicted from Tile Hill camp

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September 24, 2014 at 5:32 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tile Work