Tile art brightens up Chapelhay Community Playgarden

1:00pm Friday 27th June 2014 in News

ARTISTS took inspiration from nature to create a new tile display at a Weymouth garden.

Around 50 budding artists of all ages popped in to Chapelhay Community Playgarden recently to create brightly coloured painted tiles for the community area.

The tiles will be varnished, fired, mounted on a board and then displayed for the community to see at the garden. The project was organised by the playgarden and Steps club for young people. Youngsters from the club ran the activities while the garden group provided the tiles and the artists.

Clare Sutton, chairman of the playgarden group, said: I used to be on the committee at Steps and it was great to work with them again.

Youth worker Jenny Hart, said: It was great to see our young people encourage others in a peer education role and we very much hope to do other projects with the playgarden.

The playgarden group meets on the first Sunday of the month from 11.30am.

For further information people are asked to contact Clare Sutton on 01305 771180 or email her at clare.sutton@zen.co.uk

See the original post here:
Tile art brightens up Chapelhay Community Playgarden

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