IT was the last tile to be placed marking a major milestone in the construction of a Winchester hospice.

Naomi House and Jacksplace children, family members and staff celebrated at their topping out ceremony of their Caterpillar Appeal which sawpatron Alastair Stewart place a single tile on the hospices new roof.

He was joined by Naomi Cornelius-Reid after whom the hospice is named for the ritual that has been observed by the building trade for hundreds of years.

The charitys chief operating officer, Mark Smith, said: Its a real pleasure to see Alistair and Naomi place the highest ridge tile atop the newest part of Naomi House. It is much more than a tile as it represents years of planning, hard work and dedication by the many people involved in bringing this moment to be most importantly the generous individuals, companies, trusts and groups who have come together to support us and the children, young people and families we serve.

Thank you everyone who has helped so far and please help us reach our target to complete the works for the summer of next year.

The 4m project includes the creation of nearly 1,000 square metres of new living areas, play spaces and family accommodation. Plans also include increasing the size of bedrooms by one third, the creation of a new bereavement room and garden of reflection, creation of a sensory therapy room and spaces for messy play and music therapy.

For the first time, Naomi House will be joined to its sister hospice, Jacksplace, by a bridge. This will allow children to make use of the state-of-the-art hydrotherapy pool at the charitys hospice for young adults.

The tile was placed by Alastair and Naomi on the roof of the new hub, a brand new extension to the hospice that will, when complete, accommodate a dining room, living room, spiritual space, roof garden and access to vastly improved family accommodation.

Alastair Stewart OBE said: The real magic of Naomi House is that you can have a space for spiritual reflection alongside a place for messy play. This place exists, ultimately, to help during a moment of sadness.

"The staff here are amongst the most wonderful human beings as you are ever likely to meet and they make that journey more bearable and more tolerable, and this magnificent new facility will help them to do that job even better.

See the rest here:
Children's hospice celebrates topping out ceremony of 4 million build

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December 8, 2014 at 7:39 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Tile Work