Contractors have been selected to handle the $1 million-plus installation of a sprinkler system at the larger of county government's two nursing homes -- a project expected to start in December.

Allied Fire Protection Systems, Inc., of Falconer, N.Y., submitted a low base bid of $1,048,333 for the work, said Bob Marz, a local architect working on plans to consolidate Pleasant Ridge Manor-West in Fairview Township with Pleasant Ridge Manor-East in Millcreek. Three companies bid on the project.

In addition, Erie's Newco Electric will handle electrical work for the sprinkler project, Marz said.

The company's bid, one of two submitted, was $112,100.

Marz said he expects the work to begin in December and finished by July 2013. Sprinklers must be installed at the 312-bed Pleasant Ridge Manor-West by August 2013 to meet a looming nationwide mandate.

County government plans to close the 76-bed Pleasant Ridge Manor-East, in Millcreek Township, and merge it with the Fairview Township facility.

See Saturday's Erie Times-News and for more coverage.

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Sprinkler work at Pleasant Ridge Manor-West could start in December

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November 24, 2012 at 3:10 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Sprinkler System