Southwest Florida is heading into the wet season with a May dry spell that has sprinkler repair and irrigation professionals flooded with business.

The lack of rain in the past several weeks is leading to dry spots in lawns, keeping sprinkler companies busy helping property owners use every drop of water wisely.

Were slammed. People usually have green lawns all year long and not until the dry season comes do they notice there are issues, said Patrick Clinton, owner of Naples-based Executive Irrigation.

This dry season is lasting longer than it did in 2013, lawn, irrigation and water professionals said.

Throughout the last few years, we dont start getting rain every day until about June 15. Last year, the rain came a lot earlier, Clinton said.

Water restrictions in effect year-round in Collier and Lee counties are keeping water supplies safe but leading to some dry lawns when not well-irrigated.

Sprinkler, irrigation and lawn care professionals said the key to making every drop count is to make sure the sprinkler system fully covers the lawn and not anywhere else, such as the street or driveway.

Ten months out of the year you can get away with not having very good coverage. Any spot with an issue you will see in two to three days of no rain, Clinton said.

With the dry weather, professionals in lawn care and sprinkler repair companies, including Executive Irrigation, are getting numerous calls with broken sprinkler heads, timers off schedule, bad valves and faulty nozzles.

Many professionals cannot get out to customers to make these repairs for as long as one to two weeks, due to the current high demand.

Read the original post:
Sprinkler repair companies busy as dry weather leaves lawns parched

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May 28, 2014 at 4:28 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Sprinkler System