If you have a sprinkler system or plan to have one installed, you should have a rain sensor attached to it, said Andy Veatch of Lawn Sprinkler Services.

Its something that people are already learning, he said.

Were seeing a lot more interest in improving the efficiency of irrigation systems to use less water, Veatch said.

A rain sensor will shut off a sprinkler system if its raining. The cost of a sensor is less than $175, he said; new ones are wireless so the labor of running a wire is not required.

Theres been a dramatic improvement in rain sensors, Veatch said; some will shut off during a rain and wait to see how much moisture falls before deciding whether to start back up again or stay shut off.

Veatch also recommends audits of sprinkler systems.

There can be some dramatic improvements by checking them out, he said. A company will put out catch cans to see how much water from each irrigation station is actually reaching the grass or plants and how much is evaporating into the air or being sprayed on sidewalks, streets or walls. He said one audit showed that the system being tested was only 8 percent efficient. Thats horrible whereas the average is in the 45 to 50 percent range. You cant achieve 100 percent, but you can get into the 70s pretty well. If you go from 8 to 10 percent efficiency to 75 percent, thats going to save you a lot of water.

The cost of an audit is about $350, and most yards take $400 to $700 in improvements, Veatch said.

The rain sensor is the least expensive and is going to give you the biggest bang for your water-conservation buck.

Having your system looked at professionally every year once or twice will probably help you save money, he said.

Read more:
Consider adding a rain sensor to your sprinkler system

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September 14, 2013 at 12:59 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Sprinkler System