Terrace and balcony variances, 102 Jungle Road

Attorney David Klein: Applicant requesting variances to expand raised terrace with front yard setback of 22.9 feet in lieu of 35-foot minimum; install a 292.4-square-foot awning over proposed terrace with 24-foot front yard setback in lieu of 35-foot minimum; add a balcony to second story with front yard setback of 26.9 feet in lieu of 33-foot minimum; and to maintain existing non-conforming lot coverage.

Zoning Administrator Paul Castro: Landmarks Preservation Commission said changes would not negatively affect architecture of house. But they need to speak to hardship.

Klein: Hardship is the house is a landmark, which causes strict limitations. Terrace and balcony adjacent to part of house built in 1935 that is not conforming to todays codes. Neighbor is on board with changes.

Council grants all variances.

Declaration of Use Agreement, Chez LEpicier Restaurant, 288 South County Road

Castro: We recommend approval of agreement.

Capt. Ann-Marie Taylor: Valet parking, employee parking and number of events difficult to enforce. We ask that they be well-defined.

Castro: Theres a parking deficiency. If you dont have the parking, where are you going to put the cars? The only place they can park is on the street.

Ziska: This is a grandfathered restaurant.

See more here:
Town Hall Live: Restaurant and Church Declaration of Use Agreements

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November 13, 2014 at 5:49 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Second Story Additions