Unfortunately, it looks as if The Hobbit trilogy wont be as great as Director Peter Jacksons The Lord of the Rings.

Desolation of Smaug picks up a short time after the events of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, played by Martin Freeman, is continuing on his quest with a traveling group made up of dwarves lead by Thorin, played by Richard Armitage and the wizard Gandalf, played by Ian McKellen.

The group is being chased by a pack of evil orcs who are trying to stop them on their quest to reach the caverns where the dragon Smaug resides. The group is on a quest to kill Smaug and retake the land back for the dwarves, which in the process would make Thorin king. Along the way they are met by enemies and allies, and some who fall in between.

Desolation is both helped and suffers from the same things that were in the first movies plot. What helps this movie is Director Peter Jackson is talented enough to direct an epic scale adventure film that can keep a persons interest.

What ends up hurting the movie, though, is the pacing, which makes the movie drag out longer than it needs. There is a whole trilogy of films trying to cover a single book in one solitary quest. It feels like plot points are simply unnecessary, or out of place.

The story is stretched a little too thin over the run time of all three movies. More time in the editing room would have helped because the movie needed to be trimmed.

The acting works at times and doesnt at others. The best part is the lead protagonist who is very well adapted from the books and written competently for the screen. The character Bilbo Baggins is supposed to represent that courage can come from anybody and Freeman nails it perfectly. Whenever Bilbo was given a time to shine, his character completely steps up to the plate and through Freemans acting, the role is believable.

As usual, McKellen is also great as Gandalf. This is his fifth film where he is playing the wizard and McKellen feels natural in the role. He doesnt have any trouble getting into character.

Another returning actor who really performed well is Richard Armitage as Thorin. Armitage is fantastic at portraying a strong leader who shows camaraderie with his dwarf brethren, as well as a growing trust for Bilbo.

Some additions that didnt exactly help were the two elves Legolas, played by Orlando Bloom and Tauriel, portrayed by Evangeline Lilly. Both characters are a film adaptation only, not making an appearance in the book. There was a feeling the only reason they were added to the film was to insert more action sequences.

Read the original post:
‘Desolation’ is good, just not really great

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December 14, 2013 at 5:42 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Second Story Additions