IU says it will finally paint this house at Second and Lincoln Streets this summer. The house, which has been deteriorating for years, is part of the Wylie House property.

One corner of Bloomington is about to take a step back in time when a mid-19th-century barn moves in behind the Wylie House Annex at 317 E. Second St. and the Annex itself -- a 1930s arts and crafts house -- disappears from the site. The barn will be taken apart on its site on Mt. Carmel Road and reassembled with additions, among them a new basement. On the outside and part of the inside, it will still look like the old three-story barn built in the 1860s. Wylie House Director Jo Burgess expects the work to be completed within a year. The Annex, rated in the city's historical survey as a property contributing to the historic character of the East Second Street Historic District, will then be demolished and the site landscaped to evoke the time when the Wylie House was part of a 20-acre farm. Burgess said the barn/education center will enable the Wylie House Museum to expand programming -- workshops, lectures, classes, group meetings -- and host weddings and receptions. It will be called the Morton C. Bradley Education Center, named for the Wylie family descendant who left the bequest funding construction.

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Changes afoot at the Wylie House

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June 6, 2012 at 1:11 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Second Story Additions