The Dyersburg City School Board convened for their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, Feb. 6 at 5:30 p.m. inside the central office buildings boardroom.

All board members, as well as city schools director Neel Durbin, were present.

Board chairman Dr. Scott Self began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Under new business, Dr. Self turned the meeting over to DHS Principal Kim Worley.

Worley then presented the addition of a CTE Course at the high school.

For the last several years, we have talked about students achieving a certificate of some type, state Worley. So we have partnered with TCAT for students to do different things to earn a certificate in something. The last several years we have been doing welding.

In the course, TCAT supplies the teacher, at no cost to DHS. They would teach at the DHS campus for the benefit of DHS students, who would also receive duel-enrollment credit.

The grant for the program was written by TCAT, and DHS will receive over $100,000 in equipment for the addition of a Machine Tool Technology program.

Black and Decker, about half of their employees will turn over in the next few years, so they are looking for some people to go into that field, added Worley.

For the course, DHS would have to undergo a brief construction period on the west-wing building, for the wiring and addition of a roll-up door. The total project would come in at a cost of approximately $16,000, which would be the only cost to the school.

Worley added that the construction would be completed by spring break.

She also mentioned that the construction of the $500,000 hitting facility began last Monday.

The purpose of the hitting facility is to provide more space for athletes and coaches. According to Worley, the facility will house batting and pitching cages as well as full turf throughout the building.

She added that through fundraisers and donations from the previous year over $100,000 was raised. DHS sold roll-up doors to various companies for $25,000 each. DHS baseball and softball will also give another $100,000 over the course of 10 years, from funds from their annual fundraisers, and the high school itself will give another $100,000. Worley added that they are still roughly $90,000 short from the half-million mark.

We have a proposal on how we could rent that [the hitting facility] out, added Worley. If our baseball and softball teams are paying to use that facility, then [other groups/organizations] will have to pay to use that facility as well.

The other thing is that it is not taking money out of any other funds as well. It is not costing the general fund, so its not taking away from teacher pay, teacher insurance, or any other type of fund.

I think it is important to point out that the city agreed to loan us the money at 0 percent interest to help us get things going, so we appreciate them, added Dr. Self.

She added that the project should be completed by April.

Also Director Durbin presented a bid for restrooms to be added at the softball field in the amount of $46,000.

Those items were approved behind a motion of Dr. Matt Tosh with a second from Gleyn Twilla. The motion passed with a full board vote.

The board then moved to a review of 22 policies. Other than minor amendments in language, no detailed discussion occurred. Twilla made a motion to approve the amendments of the existing policies with a second from Yates. All members voted in favor, and the motion passed.

Also the board held a first and second reading of Policy 4.206 Special Programs. The policy was approved with a full board vote behind a motion from Yates and a second from Carlos Doss.

A lengthy list of student successes from DHS, DMS, and DIS were presented before the board as well.

A group of seven DHS FFA freshmen participated in a Parliamentary Procedure presentation. These FFA members were under the guidance of Patsy Peckenpaugh, first-year advisor for DHS FFA. The team was the top scoring team in regional competition, and will be competing on the state level in March.

Dr. Self announced that the board will be visiting DMS at 8 a.m. on Feb. 24, and also that a board retreat will be held in Jackson from Feb. 24 25.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

See the article here:
Additions at DHS, policies OK'd at city school board meeting - State Gazette

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