A trip to the emergency room in the middle of the night can be one of the most frightening experiences in a persons life. Lying in a hospital bed, hooked up to machines, uncertain what the diagnosis will be; it can be a nightmare for patients and their families.

Officials at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Terra Linda hope to improve critical care and reduce waiting time with the hospitals new emergency room.

When completed, the new emergency department will have 18 treatment bays in 17,500 square feet nearly triple the size of the current facility.

The new ER is part of a remodeling project that includes a new parking structure. Hospital officials declined to discuss the cost of the project.

We are very pleased that one of the main improvements is space to allow us to take care of our patients even better, said Joe Fragola, Kaiser Permanente Regional Media Relations Specialist.

Fragola said the new emergency department, scheduled to open in the Spring, will feature two large trauma bays, a dedicated receiving area and entrance for patients with possible infectious disease or exposure to hazardous materials, including a decontamination area and isolation areas.

The new facilities also include specially designed rooms close to the waiting area, where less sick or injured patients can be seen quickly, cared for expertly and discharged much sooner without going into the more urgent treatment bays, Fragola said.

The new rooms will allow medical personnel to keep patient flow moving and focus on patients in greater need of urgent treatment.

The treatment rooms will be private and spacious to accommodate patients, families, physician, staff and important equipment. There will also be increased space in the ER for paramedics to do perform work when they deliver patients.

The entire design is patient/family centered and focused, Fragola said. The plan is for little to no waiting room time, patients will be roomed immediately. The care for those will less minor illness and injury will focus on seeing those patients right away, caring for them and discharging them efficiently.

See the original post here:
Terra Linda hospital wraps up ER revamp

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February 12, 2015 at 3:44 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Room Remodeling