The Daily Beast

Handout, Randolph County SheriffThe Arkansas farmer charged with murdering and raping a nurse said during a mental-health exam that after he killed the victim he tried messing with her corpsethen went home, ate dinner, and just tried to forget about it.The chilling confession by Quake Lewellyn, 28, is contained in an evaluation by a state psychologist who found that he is mentally fit to stand trial for the death of Sydney Sutherland, 25, who vanished while jogging in August.It was all just a blur, Lewellyn told the psychologist, according to a report obtained by KARK.The married stepfather of three claims that on the day of the incident, he was driving to check some wells and rice fields when he spotted Sutherland walking down a gravel road.By his account, he drove past her, turned around, and struck her with his truck, unable to see her in a cloud of dust. He claims he walked over to see if she was OK and believed she was dead at that point.Jogging Nurse Was Raped and Buried by Farmer, Cops SayAlthough he had not been drinking or using any drugs, he claims that he was scared and afraid I was gonna be in trouble for running her over. Instead of calling 911 to get her help, he said he put her body in the tailgate of his truck with an eye toward hiding it.His narrative then takes a truly depraved turn.Lewellyn told the psychologist that he drove to a rice field to bury Sutherland but first undressed her and tried messing with her a bitthough he said his attorneys advised him not to explain exactly what he did.He dug a hole and buried Sutherland, then went on with his day as though he had not taken a life and abused a corpse, the evaluation says.Returning to work, he spent the next two to three hours checking wells, went home, ate supper, and went to bed. He reported that he did not tell anyone what happened and just tried to forget about it, the psychologist wrote.As news of Sutherlands disappearance spread, Lewellyns father called him to ask if he had seen her and he said he said he saw her on the road. He went to the police station the next day to report the sightingstill hoping he would not be caught, the report saysand eventually decided to confess.I knew I didnt kill her on purpose, he told the evaluator. Asked why he did not just called 911, he said, That I dont know... I was just scared.Authorities have charged Lewellynwho went to the same high school as Sutherland but claims he barely knew herwith capital murder, kidnapping, abuse of a corpse, and rape.His wife has filed for divorce since his arrest.Read more at The Daily Beast.Got a tip? Send it to The Daily Beast hereGet our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.

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