Having your roof installed by Rainbow Roofing willreally save you money on your energy bills. Whiteroofs reflect the suns heat and ultraviolet rays.

To calculate your estimated annual cooling savings, simply find your current Electricity Cost Per Kilowatt Hour in the chart (find this info on your electric bill).

Next check the Estimated Annual Cooling Savings Per Square Foot. Simply multiply the Estimated Annual Cooling Savings number by the number of square feet in your building and the resulting number is the estimated dollar amount you can save each year by upgrading to a Rainbow roof!


Current Electricity Cost = $0.07 per kilowatt hour Building Size = 67,000 square feet Estimated Annual Savings = 67,000 x 0.192 = $12,864.00

Savings may vary based on location, thermostat comfort settings, building occupancy period, electric demand charges, insulation levels, and other factors.

Looking for roofing contractors in Fort Lauderdale, Broward, Miami or Palm Beach Counties? Few can match our service and expertise when it comes to energy efficient roofing. Call us today for an estimate.

See the original post here:
Rainbow Roofing Solutions - South Florida

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January 23, 2016 at 8:46 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing