A couple of nights ago it rained so hard in Metro Manila that just a few minutes afterward there were already reports of flooded streets and snarled traffic. While the sudden downpour brought some respite to us sweltering under intense heat, it should also serve as a warning for us to start inspecting our roof as wet months are just a few weeks away.

Indeed, one of the most significant things that get missed in a home inspection is a roof leak. Since rain is not yet frequent, these last few days of May should be a perfect opportunity to check the attic should there be fresh water stains appearing on the ceilings and walls.

You know the roof is bad when there are water stains on the ceiling or walls. But unless parts of the roof are badly rusted, finding the leak may be difficult because water can enter the roof in one place and run down to another before it starts soaking in.

Examining the roof from ground level with binoculars may not be enough. Here are some of the signs you should watch out for when doing a close inspection:

Loose nails and washers that hold the corrugated roofs;

Cracked or missing caulks;

Severely rusted areas on the roof;

Damaged flashing;

Missing or damaged shingles; and

Broken or cracked roof tiles.

Read the original:
Better roofing for the rainy days

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May 23, 2014 at 6:49 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing