Have a severely damaged roof that needs to be replaced? Whether its due to a specific storm or other act of Mother Nature, or just age and wear over many years, Maggio Roofing has some of the most skilled roof replacment contractors in Maryland and Virginia.

Our experienced and trained estimators will responsibly assess your roof condition and offer an appropriate solution to your problems. Whether you simply need the roof repaired, or need a full replacement we can get the job done right.

You may contact us at (800) 766-3495 or fill out our contact form today for a no obligation quote on your roof replacement project or read below for more information.

Roof Services: Inspections | Maintenance | Repair | Installation | Replacement Other Services: Gutter Cleaning | Gutter Installation | Gutter Guards | Skylight Installation

Your roof is beyond a doubt the most important element of protecting your home from the elements. A leaking roof can easily cause hundreds or thousands of dollars in damage if it isnt dealt with quickly. If your roof isnt properly equipped to deal with all that Mother Nature can dish out, you are risking serious damage to your home and belongings.

While leaks are a common symptom that can be caused by a number of roof problems, they arent the only sign of a damaged roof. If you notice that your heating and cooling bills are climbing higher, that may be a sign of a damaged roof. The roof keeps warm air in the winter and keeps it out in the summer, so damage to the roof might cause such fluctuations. If youre seeing any of these signs, it may time for roof replacement.

A good roof should last you for at least a decade, if not two. Unfortunately, many contractors arent as careful as they should be, and in some cases roofs installed by inexperienced or low-end contractors can fail in as little as 5 years. If you have to get your roof replaced, either because it has reached the end of its life or because of poor installation, you should make sure to choose the right contractor. You can count on the expert roofers from Maggio Roofing to replace your leaky or otherwise damaged roof with a high quality, long lasting roof.

One of the advantages of roof replacement is that you can change the material composition of your roof. If you bought your current home, you likely didnt have a say in how the roof was built in the first place. There are pros and cons to each sort of roof type, as well as different looks for each type. If youre interested in trying a metal roof or clay roof, or even installing a skylight for example, a roof replacement is a good time to make the change.

Roof replacement isnt a small investment, but it is often a necessary one to protect your home from the ravages of wind and rain damage. Keep in mind that a roof is a long-term investment. With proper care, your new roof can last a good 20-30 years or possibly even longer.

Roof Replacement Service | Washington DC | Maggio Roofing

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July 2, 2014 at 10:46 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing replacement