MULBERRY You can still smell the newness of the seats, drywall and flooring of Mulberrys GEM theater.
The buildinghas undergone a top-to-bottom restoration the past three yearsthanks to City Manager Rick Johnson and a $2 million grant to be repaid through the towns Community Redevelopment Agency.
There were termites and roaches going up the wall, Johnson said.And a hole in the roof ... water was just pouring in and we immediately put anewroof on it.
Johnsonsaid that "rats, cats and bats" had taken over the theater area ofhistoricbuilding. He didnt even want to discuss the rat infestation of a downstairs bathroom after it was closed off and the water evaporated, allowing the vermin to crawl up through empty sewer pipes.Workers fromA-C-T Environmental & Infrastructure, based in Bartow, had to don hazmat suits to clean out the entire building.
Previously: Project to transform downtown Mulberry a real Gem
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Instead,Johnsonpointed out the lovely new blue seats that replaced the old yellow ones, the newcarpet and a floorspacein front of the stage that allows for dining, an orchestra or even dancing something other Polk County historic theaters dont offer.All the upstairs offices, which house several union locals, have been renovated, as well.Rodda Construction, he said, came in 10%under budget and on time.
From 1947 to 1956,Mulberrys GEM theater was the place to be for a Friday night film or Saturday matinee in atownknown for phosphate andBadcock Furniture.The Arnold family owned the theater and, back then, the towns patrons could view movies like CreatureFromthe Black Lagoon and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
But, eventually,television and a drive-in movie theater in SouthLakeland drew the crowds away andthe theaterbuildingbecame office space for theInternational Chemical Workers Union, along with two other unions associated with thephosphate industry.Year after year, the theaters auditoriumspace was neglected until it was simply unusable.
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And then Johnson came to townas city managerin 2012 and saw the buildings potential as ashowplacefor Mulberrys 3,327 residents, where they could catch a double feature of westerns on a Saturday afternoon or a Murder Mystery dinner theater on aFriday evening, where the visitingLakelandImperial Symphony Orchestra could playor Mulberrys students couldgather for performances.He began asking the unionin 2013 if the city could have it or buy it. They finally relented in 2017, giving the building to the city in exchange foruse of the upstairs andtheir offices being renovated.
Johnson said he is hoping the Mulberry High Schoolbandsbooster club will run a concession stand, with proceeds going to help them.
Bob Macey, an arts and community leader, is thrilled with the theaters overhaul.
It honestly feels right now like weve crossed the threshold, Macey said in a video produced for the theaters grand opening scheduled for Thursday.This is something that is really going to bring out the communityand change it for the good.
In fact, Mulberryis experiencingsomething ofa renaissance. Johnson said all of the sidewalks downtown are going to be redonewith money left over from the construction.The cultural center by city hall is hosting thismontha Highwaymanexhibit, with 20paintings doneby the icons of Floridalandscapes. In addition, the Mulberry Public Library now has a coffee shop. And the towns barbecue festival is scheduled to take place on March 13 possibly the first one in the state in a year, thanks to COVID-19.
In case you missed it: Beloved Mulberry High staff member Maria Hernandez dies from COVID-19
Finally,Mulberry High Schoolis in the middle of a massive$46 million transformation, building a new modern building on the old baseball field and then tearing down everything that was built in the 1950s. The only current structures that will remain are two classroom buildings and the auditorium, which were built about 15 years ago.
While the GEM is ready for business, there are still two things yet to be completed.Johnson wantsthe GEM lettersalong the buildings exteriorbig enough to see from the intersection of State Road60 and State Road 37, the towns main crossroads. He is also hoping to lease out a 1,000 square-foot space in the building to an ice-cream shop something that would support the theater and downtown.
Ledger reporter Kimberly C. Moore can be reached atkmoore@theledger.comor 863-802-7514. Follow her on Twitter at @KMooreTheLedger.
GEM Theater Grand Openingand Highwayman Exhibit Opening
Thursday,11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
118 NW 1stAve.,Mulberry
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