Jefferson-Morgan School Board announced last month its building and grounds committee came up with a scaled-down list of building improvements it will consider for the middle-senior high school.

The work would include the replacement of the roof, replacement of windows with new energy-efficient windows and installation of a heating and air-conditioning system.

The board initially considered a full renovation of the building, which was constructed in 1955 and last renovated about 28 years ago.

It asked its architect to prepare a feasibility study on needed improvements. However, when estimates for the project were prepared, the board realized its plans were beyond the districts means.

The district would have to come up with an additional $500,000 to $750,000 a year just to make payments on the debt incurred to fund the project, said board member Cindy Jento, chairman of the budget committee.

The board then decided to look at a pared-down project that would address the buildings most pressing needs while staying within its budget. Jento compared it to a family buying a home. You get what you can afford, she said.

We believe the improvements now being considered are fairly essential to the proper maintenance of the building and are not luxuries.

Replacement of windows and the heating system make sense in long-term savings. Installing air-conditioning will be new; however, it seems to us the best and least expensive time to do this will be while work is being done to replace the heating system.

The roof has problems. Earlier this year, the board replaced a portion of it over the auditorium and gymnasium that was plagued by leaks. The maintenance supervisor reported last month the remaining section is reaching the point at which the roofing material is starting to break down.

Though not having information on the entire list of improvements cited by the feasibility report, we would bet there are other essential improvements that should be made, and probably would be, if money were available.

Go here to read the rest:
J-M taking prudent approach to renovations

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October 6, 2014 at 6:30 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Roofing replacement