Posted on March 7, 2013, Thursday

MARUDI: The Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID) has allocated RM200,000 to construct a retaining wall along the riverbank at Long Ikang longhouse.

This is to address the problem of soil erosion along a stretch of 200 metres, which began a few months ago.

Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan, who visited the area on Tuesday, called on the longhouse folk affected and the village security and development committee to work closely with the district office on the project.

If there is poor monitoring, then the government would be wasting money on uncompleted projects, he said.

The Baram Member of Parliament said he has personally discussed the problem of soil erosion affecting Orang Ulu longhouses by the Baram River with Minister of National Resources and Environment Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas.

He added that RM900,000 has been allocated to the Kuala Tutoh longhouse for a retaining wall along the riverbank there.

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Retaining wall to be built at Long Ikang

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March 7, 2013 at 12:56 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Retaining Wall