Nothing lasts forever.

At least nothing made of wood lasts forever if you leave it outside.

Thats why I have to cart home or have dumped in my driveway a load of wood chips every spring.

That I hate mowing should be well-known by now. Ive certainly written about it enough in the past 25 years.

Because of that, large areas of my yards always have been covered by wood chip mulch. It never needs watering, seldom needs weeding and never, ever needs mowing.

But to keep it thick enough for all that it does need renewing.

This year, that meant my neighbor and I (we split it 50-50) spending two days shoveling and hauling one little garden cart at a time to our various beds a 5-cubic-yard pile that had been dumped in my drive.

(We got finished just ahead of a late spring snowstorm, which brought with it two more days on the ends of shovels. Sigh.)

Such is the price you pay because wood chips left outside do not last forever.

Nor do retaining walls made from wooden pilings.

Houseworks: Nothing, especially a wood retaining wall, lasts forever

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April 17, 2013 at 3:49 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Retaining Wall