WORK to reconstruct the retaining wall on the Nepean Highway in Frankston begins this week.

The wall was under construction in April when it experienced movement and collapsed.

As a result, VicRoads engaged ARUP Pty Ltd, an external consultant, to do an independent investigation into the incident.

VicRoads regional director Metro South East, Peter Todd, said that a gabion wall was still the most appropriate structure for the site, subject to the use of a lighter backfilling material, which will reduce the load imposed on it.

"A gabion retaining wall is flexible, strong, durable and cost effective. It involves minimal excavation in its construction and allows the growth of vegetation, which enhances the environment," Mr Todd said.

The new retaining wall design has been independently verified to ensure the safety of road users and workers.

The reconstruction of the new wall began on October 15.

No lanes will be closed to motorists as a result of the works.

But VicRoads requests that all road users observe the 40km/h speed limit.

The bicycle lane and footpath will continue to be unavailable for use throughout the duration of the work.

Read the original post:
HAVE YOUR SAY: Slow going as Frankston retaining wall work resumes

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October 15, 2012 at 10:20 am by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Retaining Wall