ITHACA, N.Y. (WHCU) Bids for the East State Street retaining wall project are now being received by the City of Ithacas Controller.

The City provided the following news release with more details:

Sealed Bids for the East State Street Retaining Wall project located in the City of Ithaca, New York will be received by the office of the City Controller at 108 East Green Street, Ithaca, NY until June 2, 2020 at 2:00 PM. The bids will then be opened and read aloud through a Microsoft Teams videoconference. Contractors will receive an email invitation to the videoconference, but must contact Paul Presutti and Tim Logue (see below) in order to receive the invitation. After the bid opening (within 24 hours), the bid tabulation will be emailed to bidders, posted on the City website, and can be made available upon request.

The proposed project provides for the construction of a new retaining wall to replace the existing deteriorating retaining wall along at the west end of the project. The proposed wall will include drilled soldier piles socketed into rock with tie-back anchors. At the east end of the project a new micropile wall will be constructed in front of the existing wall. The project will also include new sidewalk and pedestrian railing. The project is a Unit Price contract including a Base Bid.


Each bid shall be accompanied by a deposit in the amount of: Five Percent (5%) of the Total Gross Sum Bid in the form of a Certified Check, Bank Draft, or Bid Bond. Cash will not be acceptable as a deposit. Bid deposits of all unsuccessful bidders shall be returned promptly upon execution of the contract with the successful bidder.

Copies of the contract documents, listed in the Table of Contents and the List of Contract Documents, may be downloaded and printed from the Citys website at:

Documents may be examined from the website, as well as at the following locations:

City of Ithaca, Engineers Office, 108 East Green Street, Ithaca, NY 14850Erdman Anthony, 145 Culver Road, Rochester, New York 14620Amendments can only be accomplished by means of Addenda issued by the City of Ithaca or its designee. Written questions should be addressed to Paul Presutti, P.E., of Erdman Anthony at and copied to Tim Logue at Questions must be received by 5:00 on May 25, 2020.

The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informality or technicality in any bid in the interest of the Owner. Attention of Bidders is particularly called to the requirements for ensuring that employees, applicants for employment, and contractors are not discriminated against; refer to the Contract Documents for additional information. A DBE participation goal of 3% is required as part of this contract. Each Bidder submitting a Bid to the Owner shall execute and attach thereto, the Certification regarding Equal Employment Opportunity. Although the Bidder is not required to attach such Certification by proposed sub-contractors to his Bid, the Bidder is here advised of this requirement so that appropriate action can be taken to prevent subsequent delay in sub-contract awards.

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City of Ithaca accepting bids on retaining wall project -

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Category: Retaining Wall