The official list of essential services in Ontario just got shorter. After widespread criticism over the length of the initial list released ten day ago, the government has come back with a slightly revised, shorter list.

Grocery stores, the LCBO and restaurants doing takeout and delivery still all made the cut but some construction is being shut down among other revisions.

Businesses no longer deemed essential will be required to shut down by 11:59 p.m. this Saturday April 4. The closure will be in effect for at least 14 days before the list is re-evaluated.

Here's the list as written by the government of Ontario.

1. Businesses that supply other essential businesses or essential services within Ontario, or that supply businesses or services that have been declared essential in a jurisdiction outside of Ontario, with the support, products, supplies, systems, or services, including processing, packaging, warehousing, distribution, delivery, and maintenance necessary to operate.

2.Businesses that primarily sell food, beverages and consumer products necessary to maintain households and businesses including:

3. Pharmacies.

4. Gas stations and other fuel suppliers.

5. Laundromats and drycleaners.

6.Security services for residences, businesses and other properties.

7. Vehicle and equipment repair and essential maintenance and vehicle and equipment rental services.

8.Courier, postal, shipping, moving and delivery services.

9.Funeral and related services.

10.Staffing services including providing temporary help.

11.Veterinary services (urgent care only) and other businesses that provide for the health and welfare of animals, including farms, boarding kennels, stables, animal shelters, zoos, aquariums and research facilities.

12.Home child care services of up to six children as permitted under the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014, and child care centres for essential workers authorized to operate in accordance with Ontario Regulation 51/20 (Order Under Subsection 7.0.2 (4) of the Act - Closure of Establishments) made under the Act.

13.Hotels, motels, other shared rental accommodation including student residences, except for seasonal campgrounds and any pools, fitness centres, meeting rooms and other recreational facilities that may be part of the operations of these businesses.

14.Cheque cashing services.

15. Stores that sell any of the following items and provide them to the customer only through an alternative method of sale such as curb side pick-up or delivery, except in exceptional circumstances:

16. Businesses that provide the following financial services:

17. Information Technology (IT) services, including online services, software products and the facilities necessary for their operation and delivery.

18.Telecommunications providers and services (phone, internet, radio, cell phones etc.) and facilities necessary for their operation and delivery.

19.Newspapers, radio and television broadcasting.

20. Maintenance, repair and property management services strictly necessary to manage and maintain the safety, security, sanitation and essential operation of institutional, commercial, industrial and residential properties and buildings.

21.Businesses and facilities that provide transportation services, including,

22. Businesses that provide and support online retail, including by providing warehousing, storage and distribution of goods that are ordered online.

23. Businesses that extract, manufacture, process and distribute goods, products, equipment and materials, including businesses that manufacture inputs to other manufacturers, (e.g. primary metal/ steel, blow molding, component manufacturers, chemicals, etc. that feed the end-product manufacturer), regardless of whether those other manufacturers are inside or outside of Ontario, together with businesses that support and facilitate the movement of goods within integrated North American and global supply chains.

24. Businesses that produce food and beverages, and agricultural products including plants, including by farming, harvesting, aquaculture, hunting and fishing.

25.Businesses that process, manufacture or distribute food, beverages, crops, agricultural products, animal products and by-products.

26. Businesses that support the food or agricultural products supply chains and the health and safety of food, animals and plants.

27. Construction projects and services associated with the healthcare sector, including new facilities, expansions, renovations and conversion of spaces that could be repurposed for health care space.

28. Construction projects and services required to ensure safe and reliable operations of, or to provide new capacity in, critical provincial infrastructure, including transit, transportation, energy and justice sectors beyond the day-to-day maintenance.

28. Critical industrial construction activities required for,

31. Construction and maintenance activities necessary to temporarily close construction sites that have paused or are not active and to ensure ongoing public safety.

32.Businesses that provide and ensure the domestic and global continuity of supply of resources, including mining, forestry, aggregates, petroleum, petroleum by-products and chemicals.

33.Electricity generation, transmission, distribution and storage and natural gas distribution, transmission and storage.

34. Businesses that deliver or support the delivery of services including:

35. Businesses and organizations that maintain research facilities and engage in research, including medical research and other research and development activities.

36. Organizations and providers that deliver home care services or personal support services to seniors and persons with disabilities.

37. Businesses that sell, rent or repair assistive/mobility/medical devices, aids and/or supplies.

38.Regulated health professionals (urgent care only) including dentists, optometrists, chiropractic services, ophthalmologists, physical and occupational therapists and podiatrists.

39.Organizations that provide health care including retirement homes, hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, independent health facilities and mental health and addictions counselling supports.

40. Laboratories and specimen collection centres.

41.Manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers of pharmaceutical products and medical supplies, including medications, medical isotopes, vaccines and antivirals, medical devices and medical supplies.

42.Manufacturers, distributors and businesses that provide logistical support of or for products and/or services that support the delivery of health care in all locations.

43.Not-for-profit organizations that provide critical personal support services in home or residential services for individuals with physical disabilities.

44.Not-for profit organizations that support the provision of food, shelter, safety or protection, and/or social services and other necessities of life to economically disadvantaged and other vulnerable individuals.

See the original post:
Here's the new list of essential services in Ontario - blogTO

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