The sign above the construction site for the new McDonalds drive-through restaurant in the Logan neighborhood reads: Come see us inJune.

Its being built on the corner of Augusta Avenue and North Hamilton Street, immediately across the street from Safeway. Neighborhood residents, and especially Karen Byrd, are furious the city issued the buildingpermits.

It goes against everything we have planned for the neighborhood, Byrd said last week. And we were partners with the city in developing new form-based code for thisneighborhood.

On Friday, Byrd and Councilwoman Amber Waldref held a press conference with state Sen

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Spokane city councilwoman Amber Waldref, speaking, and State Senator Andy Billig, left, are joined by Logan neighbors and business people at a press conference to address the construction of a McDonalds at Hamilton and Augusta, onFriday. (Full-size photo)(All photos)

The sign above the construction site for the new McDonalds drive-through restaurant in the Logan neighborhood reads: Come see us inJune.

Its being built on the corner of Augusta Avenue and North Hamilton Street, immediately across the street from Safeway. Neighborhood residents, and especially Karen Byrd, are furious the city issued the buildingpermits.

It goes against everything we have planned for the neighborhood, Byrd said last week. And we were partners with the city in developing new form-based code for thisneighborhood.

Original post:
Logan residents angered by McDonalds design - Thu, 03 Apr 2014 PST

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