For 10 months, the Neches River Wheelhouse has enticed hungry customers and increased traffic to Port Neches' scenic waterfront.

The restaurant could be the first of many as two Texas developers with Mid-County roots hatch a plan for more construction along the city's 51 acres of prime riverfront real estate.

The pair, Tom Frasier and Mike Bolin, have 180 days to make a pitch to the city or lose exclusive development rights.

City council members agreed Thursday to let Frasier and Bolin - who are originally from Mid-County but now live in Houston and Dallas - take six months to organize their plans. In exchange, the city agreed not to talk to any other developers.

It's too early in the process to determine what price the city would sell the property for or what kind of businesses the developers would bring in, said City Manager Andre Wimer.

The folks at The Wheelhouse are excited to see more interest in the area.

"As a rule of thumb, it's nice to have what's commonly called a restaurant row," said Shag Jordan, the restaurant's general manager.

Most cities have strips hopping with restaurants, bars and retail shops, said Jordan.

He would like to see the waterfront area become Port Neches' restaurant row.

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Duo allowed 6 months to pitch Port Neches riverfront plan

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February 23, 2015 at 5:27 pm by Mr HomeBuilder
Category: Restaurant Construction